Elementary Internet and Technology Acceptable Use Agreement


Internet and Technology Acceptable Use Rules (Elementary)

Elementary students may use technology resources, the Internet and on-line services to support and enhance learning.


  1. I understand that I must not try to damage computers and other technology.
  2. I will use the Internet / on-line resources/programs only when I have permission from my teacher to do so.
  3. I promise:
  1. To use the appropriate language and good manners when communicating with others.
  2. Not to give out my own name or anyone else’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address, or personal information while on the internet.
  3. To follow the rules set by the principal and teachers when using technology or the Internet / on-line resources.
  4. Not to bring software or computer disks from home to be used on school equipment.

Penalties for Violation:

If any of the above rules are not followed, the student will be appropriately disciplined.  Appropriate discipline, as outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook, may be up to and including dismissal or expulsion from St. Edward.